Review Policy

Mammabear's Book Review Policy:

  • ·         My intention is to review both books that I have purchased myself as well as those given to me by their authors in exchange for an honest review. If the book was a gift for review copy, I will note that prominently in the review.

  • ·         All review copies will be kept for my personal use and never resold or re-gifted except in the instance of an author-approved giveaway.

  • ·         My preferred format to receive books will be Print, PDF, or Audio. If another format is necessary, please say so in your query up front.

  • ·         Though I will endeavor to read as many books as possible, I cannot guarantee a book will receive a review. If a print copy was given, I will contact the author if I cannot review it and arrange to return the copy or host a publicity giveaway at the author's discretion.

Before requesting a review:

  • ·         In order to be reviewed on B.S. Chatter, the book must be:

furry- any level of anthropomorphism from talking animals to "zipperbacks" and mixed furry/human casts will be considered, but if there are no furry characters, please don't query.
finished - due to time restraints I cannot read/review unfinished or partial manuscripts
published- traditionally, small press, or self published/indie is all good!

  • ·         I'm not likely to read/review erotica. I've nothing against it, it's just not in my personal wheelhouse. Also, erotic furry fiction gets a great deal of visibility and I'd like to shine a little light on some of the other offerings in furry literature that often get less attention. That being said, your book doesn't have to have a PG rating. If there is adult content that serves the plot, it won't automatically eliminate the book. Please disclose in the query up front, however.

  • ·         The genres that really tickle my fancy are: science fiction, fantasy, mystery, romance and humor. That being said, I love to read in all genres and am happy to consider books that don't fall into that limited list.

  • ·         Reviews will be honest. Dead honest. If you expect a five "claw" review and nothing less, then please don't request a review. I will do my best to be fair, but will give my honest opinion on the book and the writing, and point out what doesn't work for me as faithfully as what does.  

  • ·         Review "scores" are non-negotiable. They are, however, strictly my opinion. Even more than that, they are an opinion about the work, not the author. I will not engage in arguments about a book's review nor will I tolerate it in the blog comments.

  • ·         I will likely publish reviews or truncated versions on both Amazon and Goodreads as well.

If you still want a review:

  • ·         email Mammabear at: with the subject line as follows: "Review Request: (title of book). In the email please introduce yourself and your book, let me know the genre and a little about the premise, what formats are available and any other pertinent information you think will help me make a decision about reading your story.

  • ·         Do NOT attach a file at this point. Please . I will attempt to request as many furry books as possible, but I'd like very much to be the one deciding which stories I will be reading.

  • ·         Wait to hear from me. If I like the sound of your book and I have room on the reading list, I will get back to you as soon as possible. If more than a few months go by without a response, feel free to politely query again.

A link to this policy will be posted in each Mammabear review on the blog.


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