Furry Book Review: Kizmet

Mamma Bear Book Review

*A bear trundles in with a book under one, fuzzy arm*

Since my dear friend Tillie is currently out of communication range (apparently) I have indulged in one of my favorite pastimes, and been reading a great deal of furry literature. Despite being primarily a writing sort of bear, or perhaps because of it, I love nothing more than a good book.  

Literature and bears go way back. Just ask Pooh or Paddington. So in the tradition of bears everywhere, I will be posting occasional, or perhaps even frequent, book reviews while waiting for my leisurely pen pal. 
(don't fret, Tillie, I shall read and wait... and wait... and wait.)

First up is a stellar Space Opera which I received free as an ARC copy. 


Kismet is set in a futuristic universe where ordinary humans mix with those who have been enhanced to resemble animals. Civilization has spread to far worlds, and despite a history of prejudice and violence, the animal humanoids have persisted and flourished in all ways but one. They cannot reproduce and have animal/enhanced children. This leads to a political kerfuffle over parents who choose to have their children altered young, and the backdrop of the book revolves around the activism and terrorism in the main character's past. 
In the present, she is a space-faring rat person and captain of her own vessel, the charismatic AI run Kismet, who makes her living through space salvage. 

Kismet is a gripping, emotional ride from page one to the very last. I was hooked by the character, enchanted by the world building (which is some of the coolest I've read in Space Opera) and kept completely on my toes by a plot that moves from one disaster to the next at just the right pace. 

The writing is flawless, but what made me an instant fan was the deeply embedded perspective and a character that is just the sort of underdog that we all adore rooting for. It was a wild and thoroughly enjoyable ride, and I am dying for the next installment. 

Kismet gets five big claws for awesomeness! 

Here's how I'll be breaking down my reviews:
Character: Kismet gets a huge paw up for a protagonist that is endearing and flawed, has total agency and is delightfully embedded.
World-building: I've already mentioned how cool the world is here. You'll have to read it to see for yourself, but trust me, I want to live in this universe. (at the very least for many more books)
Plot: Twisty and unpredictable. Wonderful.
Pacing: Great flow and seat of the pant action punctuated by a few perfectly timed lulls for catching breath.
Shiny: Here's where I'll gauge what makes the books special, unique, or particularly cool. For Kismet it was the premise, the political dilemma and the desire of the furred people to have their own offspring without having to alter them. I loved this plot so much, and the world it boiled through left me in awe and wanting more. More please!



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